What Makes a Good Day?

Today as I picked up my curbside supplies from the grocery store, the man who delivered them to me smiled with his eyes (he was wearing a mask) and said, “Have a good day!”  When I drove through the line at the sandwich shop, the person who handed me my sandwich, smiled with her eyes and said, “Have a good day!”  I was certainly cheered and also reminded of a new favorite children’s book. To be fair, most experiences remind me of a favorite children’s book!  The book is entitled, Daniel’s Good Day by Micha Archer and it is delightful.  As a young boy named Daniel walks through his neighborhood, his neighbors call out, “Have a good day!”  Daniel asks each of them what makes it a good day and he gets many answers.   A wind for flying a kite, sitting on a bench in the park, bees on flowers and hugs, to name a few. 

two boys at a park; brothers hugging

Recently, on a dazzling fall day, like Daniel, I went for a walk.  When I arrived at a neighborhood park, I sat on a bench and watched families taking in all that the day had to offer. Two moms with young children of various ages were reveling in the clear skies, and warm temperatures.  As they walked around the park path pushing a stroller, they visited, laughing and smiling. When they got about 6 feet from me, we dared a visit.  I explained what I was doing and asked them, “What makes a good day for you?”  “Cousin time, sunshine, and the kids playing together,” they replied.  One of the children, a boy of seven, was hunkered down nearby while “hiding” from his cousins.  I asked him the same question and he answered, “Coming to the park every day, and playing with my cousins.”  As I sat on the bench, I noticed the children running, climbing, sliding, and laughing. It really was a good day.

Think about your own family or young children in your classroom and their favorite activities.  Ask the children to answer the question “What makes a good day for you?” You may be surprised at the simplicity of their answers.  For most children everyday activities, like being free to play, exploring outside and spending time with family are enough for a good day. Maybe sharing a read aloud is also a treasured routine in your family or classroom.   The following is an excerpt from a review of Daniel’s Good Day, in Young Children,

“The message that joy can be found in many ways, including in everyday activities, is apt when the world feels upside down. Almost every activity shown in the book (taking a walk, flying a kite, delivering mail, operating a bakery) goes on even when people are spending more time at home.”

To read the entire review of Daniels’ Good Day as well as other titles children might enjoy, check out this link:


As you enjoy these sunny autumn days, check out the following blog post from NAEYC, it provides suggestions for outdoor time with young children.


 Have a Good Day!


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